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COOMET activities
The basic activity of COOMET is cooperation in the following areas:
- measurement standards of physical quantities;
- legal metrology;
- quality management systems;
- information and training;
- innovative research in metrology.
COOMET countries cooperate in the following subject fields:
acoustics, ultrasound, vibration; electricity and magnetism; flow measurement; ionizing radiation and radioactivity; length and angle; mass and related quantities; photometry and radiometry; physical chemistry; thermometry and thermal physics; time and frequency; reference materials; general questions concerning measurements (general metrology); legal metrology; quality management systems; information and information technology; training and raising proficiency level of experts; innovative research in metrology.
An important prerequisite of COOMET effectiveness is the collaboration in all fields of activities.
COOMET Working Programme
Jointly realised projects are the core elements of the COOMET Working Programme.
COOMET proposed project form (Annex 1 to the document COOMET D2/2021)
COOMET agreed project form (Annex 2 to the document COOMET D2/2021)
COOMET completed project form (progress/final report)(Annex 3 to the document COOMET D2/2021)