COOMET Task Group for Digital Transformation in Metrology (TG-DigTr)

topic 825/RU-a/21 "Development of the COOMET concept on digitalization in the field of metrology"

Chair of TG-DigTr


All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Metrological Service (VNIIMS)

Address: 46 Ozernaya Str., 119361 Moscow, Russia

Phone: +7 495 781 24 50 

Email: apankov(at)


Irina Rodionova (Metrologynet, Russia)

Email: rodionova(at)


COOMET Concept for the Issues of Digital Transformation in Metrology

COOMET Program P7/2023 "COOMET Concept for the Issues of Digital Transformation in Metrology" and the Roadmap for the implementation of the COOMET concept for the issues of digital transformation in metrology can be found here.

Working documents

Main tasks and functions

COOMET activities for digital transformation in metrology are geared towards the development of COOMET digital services and creation of conditions for the digital transformation of metrological services of COOMET member countries. This will allow COOMET member countries to move to a higher level of technological development that corresponds to the needs of the digital economy.

Activities of TG-DigTr are carried out within the КООМЕТ project 825/RU-a/21 "Development of the COOMET concept on digitalization in the field of metrology".

The main tasks of digital transformation of COOMET metrological cooperation and digital transformation in metrology are:

  • review and formulation of requirements to the formats and structure of electronic documents in metrology;
  • facilitation of the development of metrological collaboration and cooperation within COOMET;
  • facilitation of digitalization of metrological activities, managing and supporting processes at the national level;
  • support of the application of digital platforms in COOMET member countries, increased productivity and more effective use of production resources as a result of automation of metrological services;
  • development of a prospective structure of metrological activities based on new organizational principles and modern technological base;
  • creation of a system of tools for digital transformation in metrology.
Last Update: 08.04.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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