Subfield | Name of technical expert | Position in COOMET | NMI/DI (country) | Contacts |
air acoustics | Aleksey Nikolaenko | NMI Representative | VNIIFTRI (Russia) | +7 495 660 25 40 |
Dmitry Golovin | NMI representative | VNIIFTRI | +7 495 526 63 15, доб. 20-96 | |
Aleksandr Polycarpov | NMI representative | VNIIFTRI | +7 495 526 63 15, доб. 92-56 | |
air acoustics; vibration | Enver Sadikoglu | TC 1.2 member | TUBITAK (Turkey) | +90 262 679 5000 /2044 /3101 |
vibration | Aleksandr Yankovskiy | NMI Representative | VNIIM | +7 812 4221560 |
Anton Kozlyakovskiy | NMI Representative | VNIIM (Russia) | +7 812 422 48 02, +7 812 575 04 84 | |
underwater acoustics; ultrasound | Aleksandr Isaev | TC 1.2 Chair, coordinator in the field of underwater acoustics | VNIIFTRI (Russia) | +7 495 660 21 66 |
ultrasound | Georgiy Lukin | NMI representative | VNIIFTRI (Russia) | +7 495 660 21 65 |
underwater acoustics | Anton Matveev | NMI representative | VNIIFTRI (Russia) | +7 495 660 21 66 |