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Area: 207,600 km2
Population: 9.200 million
Capital: Minsk
Information updated as of 30.04.2023.
Law on metrology
Law of the Republic of Belarus of September 5, 1995, No. 3848-XII "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" (as amended by Laws of the Republic of Belarus of 11.11.2019 No.254-З).
Metrological infrastructure
Gosstandart is a public administration body, maintaining the common public policy in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
Gosstandart establishes the State Metrology Service, which includes the National Metrology Institute and other legal entities, subordinate to Gosstandart and authorized by it for testing for the purpose of approval of the type of measuring instrument or reference material and for performing works on the metrological test in the field of legal metrology.
For ensuring the uniformity of measurements metrology services of public authorities, of legal entities, subordinate to public authorities, and of other legal entities can be established in the Republic of Belarus.
For ensuring the uniformity of measurements an Intersectoral Commission for Time, Frequency and Determining the Parameters of the Earth's Rotation has been established in the Republic of Belarus, which coordinates activities related to the procedure for calculating time on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, use of measuring instruments for reference frequencies and time, as well as determination of the parameters of the Earth's rotation.
Temporary intersectoral commissions can be established to deal with operational issues in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
The State Metrology Service includes BelGIM, Research and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belarusian State Institute for Standardization and Certification" and 15 regional metrological centers of Gosstandart (Decree of Gosstandart of 27.11.2020 No. 76 "About State Metrology Service").
National information fund of the Republic of Belarus in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements: