The National Research Institute on Metrology (INIMET)

Director:             Jose Zaldivar

Address:            Consulado No.206, e/ Animas y Trocadero, Centro Habana, La Habana, CP 10200, Republic of Cuba

Telephone:        +537 862 05 36 / +537 863 90 62

Fax:                   +537 867 69 66

Email:               director(at)



INIMET is in charge of the following main activities:


  • to implement, improve, maintain and compare, at the international level, the Cuban national measurement standards and transfer their values to secondary standards;
  • to carry out research and scientific-technical development in the field of metrology;
  • to calibrate working standards and instruments of secondary laboratories;
  • to carry out type evaluation of measurement instruments;
  • to participate in the elaboration of standards and technical regulations for verification and calibration of measuring instruments;
  • to educate and train specialists for legal metrology and industrial calibration laboratories.
Last Update: 08.04.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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