The Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Trade and Intergation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CTRM MTI RK)

State management of activities to ensure the unity of measurements is carried out by the Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Trade and Intergation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CTRM MTI RK).


The Chairman: Yelikbayev Kuanysh

Address:          Center of Measurement Standards, Mangilik Yel Avenue, 11,

                        010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone:      +7 7172 75 05 01



In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On ensuring the unity of measurements" the main objectives of CTRM MTI RK are:


  • formation and implementation of the state policy to ensure the unity of measurements;
  • coordination of the metrological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • establishment of measurement units admitted for application;
  • organization of scientific research in the field of Metrology;
  • establishment of rules of creation, approval, storage, use and comparisons of state measurement standards, improvement of measurement standard base of measurement units of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • organization of comparison of the results of verification and calibration of measuring instruments;
  • establishment of classification of state standards of units of quantities used in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • determining the procedure for the development and approval of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements;
  • determination of General metrological requirements for measuring instruments, methods and results, methods of verification of measuring instruments;
  • determination of the order of application, production and repair of measuring instruments;
  • organization of the register of the state system of ensuring the unity of measurements;
  • organization and conduct of state metrological control;
  • representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in international and regional Metrology organizations;
  • organization of advanced training and retraining in the field of ensuring the unity of measurements.
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