09.11.2023: The 16th Meeting of COOMET TC 1.11 "Time and Frequency"

The 16th online meeting of COOMET TC 1.11 "Time and Frequency" was held on November 9, 2023 using the Zoom platform. 

The representatives from the following contries were present: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan.
Taking into account the quorum requirements at the meeting of COOMET structural body according to COOMET D5/2021, the quorum at the meeting of TC 1.11 is provided.


The following agenda was covered during the meeting:

Report on TC 1.11 activities in 2023, including analysis of decisions of the previous meeting and information on participation of TC representatives in meetings of working bodies of international organizations and RMOs - I.Norets, TC Chairperson

Information on decisions of COOMET Committee and President's Council - А. Rakhadinova, Head of COOMET Secretariat

Information message on the decisions of the 25th meeting of the Joint Committee on COOMET measurement standards and discussion of the issues related to the adopted decisions - N. Zviagin, Chairman of the JCMS

COOMET Concept on Digital Transformation in the Field of Metrology - А. Pankov, Project Manager

On the status of COOMET projects in the field of time and frequency measurements - TC Chairperson, theme coordinators

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