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17.10.2023: 28th meeting of TC 1.12 "Reference Materials"

The 28th meeting of COOMET TC 1.12 “Reference Materials” was held on October 17, 2023, Yekaterinburg (Russia), at the UNIIM - Affiliated Branch of the D. I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (Rosstandart) in a combined format: both in person and in the videoconference mode on the Zoom platform provided by the COOMET Secretariat (RSE “KazStandard”) with simultaneous translation.
Representatives of nine COOMET member-countries participated in the meeting: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.
Russia was represented by industry specialists from the leading metrological institutes of the country - D. I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology and its Ural branch (UNIIM), FSBI “VNIIOFI”, FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, FSBI “VNIIMS”, as well as organizations which are developers of reference materials - JSC “Krastsvetmet” and A. P. Vinogradov Geochemistry Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGC SB RAS) that are coordinators of COOMET special projects aimed at the development of metrological assurance using reference materials.
Dr. Sergey Medvedevskikh, Chairman of TC 1.12 “Reference Materials”, welcomed the meeting participants and wished them successful and fruitful work.
The following information was presented at the meeting: information on the current state of metrological activity on CRMs in COOMET member-countries; information about the decisions of the 34th meeting of the COOMET Committee; report on the activities of TC 1.12 in 2022-2023; information on the roadmap for the implementation of the COOMET concept for the issues of digital transformation in metrology (in the part concerning CRMs).
The following issues were considered as of October 2023: Updated COOMET Program P5/2023 Programme of joint CRM production within COOMET (on-going COOMET project 186/RU/99) and Information material COOMET/I/RM/2:2023 Register of COOMET CRMs with proposals for their updating; Plan for the revision of COOMET documents on CRMs on the subject of harmonization with newly realized international ISO documents (Schedule for updating COOMET publications on CRMs within TC 1.12).
Information on the results on already completed and on-going projects within TC 1.12 was presented at the meeting.
Work on 4 projects for the development of COOMET CRMs has been completed: 815/RU-а/20, 816/RU-а/20, 817/RUа/20, and 856/RU-а/22. For the first time at the meeting, members of TC 1.12 carried out an expert assessment of CRMs in accordance with the new concept for the approval of COOMET CRMs and the provisions of the updated COOMET Recommendation R/RM/4:2023 Procedure for joint development, approval, and registration of reference materials within COOMET. All 4 types of CRMs have received positive expert conclusions. The results of the expert assessment will be presented at the meeting of the COOMET Committee in 2024 to make a decision on the approval and registration of CRMs in the COOMET CRM Register.
Work on 2 projects regarding the revision of publications on CRMs within COOMET has been completed. Updated versions are posted on the COOMET website:
COOMET Document D5.7/2022 Regulations on the COOMET Technical Committee “Reference Materials” (TC 1.12);
COOMET Recommendation R/RM/4:2008 Procedure for joint development, approval, and registration of reference materials within COOMET.
Proposals on new projects were discussed, including the revision of COOMET Recommendation R/RM/22:2020 Form and content of COOMET certificate for reference materials for composition and properties of substances and materials.
The following information was also given:
on the participation of TC 1.12 in the implementation of the COOMET Program D7/2023 COOMET Concept on digital transformation in the field of metrology;
information about COOMET training courses in the field of TC 1.12 activity on the BIPM e-learning platform;
information about the transfer of the COOMET website ( to the information and technology platform of the FSBI “VNIIMS” (Russia) with the transfer of its administration to specialists of this institute.
A new Сhair of TC 1.12 “Reference Materials” was elected (Egor Sobina’s candidacy was supported).
The participants of the meeting expressed their gratitude to Sergey Medvedevskikh for his contribution to the development of metrology in the field of reference materials during his activity as Chair of TC 1.12 (from 2012 to 2023). The voting result will be presented to the COOMET Committee for approval in 2024.
The next meeting of TC 1.12 “Reference Materials” is scheduled for September-October 2024. The dates and place of the meeting will be determined in due course.