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3.11.2023: 35th meeting of TC 3.1 "Technical Committee of the Quality Forum"
The 35th meeting of TC 3.1 "Technical Committee of the Quality Forum" was held on November 03, 2023 in on-line format. 7 representatives of COOMET member-countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan) took part in the work of TC 3.1.
COOMET Secretariat reported on the decisions of the 34th and 35th COOMET Committee meetings.
The members of TC 3.1 considered the draft Regulations of TC 3.1 and draft Annex 4 "Provision on Auditors" to COOMET Recommendation COOMET R/AQ/9:2019 "Recommendations on evaluation of NMI/NI QMS". It was decided to send the above-mentioned documents to the COOMET Secretariat for passing the procedure of approval.
TC 3.1 members came to a consensus that the development of a document containing special requirements (criteria) for QMS of NMI/NIM of COOMET member-countries in addition to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is inexpedient, as ISO/IEC 17025:2017 contains all the necessary requirements for QMS of NMI/NIM. (COOMET Development Program for 2023-2025 COOMET P1/2023 topics (Ind-b.4.1))
At the meeting they discussed the necessity to conduct training for auditors and technical experts on QMS evaluation. It was decided to conduct training for auditors in 2025, and the issue of training of technical experts to address to TC 4 "Information and Training".
Also at the meeting it was announced about the need to submit annual reports of NMIs/NIs on QMS for 2023 to the secretariat of TC 3.1 until 15.02.2024.
The next meeting of TC 3.1 is scheduled for the fall of 2024.