Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs)

In the context of the CIPM MRA and ILAC Arrangement, and in relation to the CIPM-ILAC Common Statement, the following shared definition was agreed upon:
“A CMC is a calibration and measurement capability available to customers under normal conditions:

  • as published in the BIPM key comparison database (KCDB) of the CIPM MRA; or
  • as described in the laboratory’s scope of accreditation granted by a signatory to the ILAC Arrangement."

Where the term NMI is used it is intended to include Designated Institutes (DIs) within the framework of the CIPM MRA.


In the KCDB, a CMC is described by the measured quantity and its range, and is characterized by an uncertainty generally given at a 95 % level of confidence, together with the method or instrument used, the values of the influence parameters if any, and any other relevant information. CMCs are published in the APPEDNIX C of the KCDB.


Before publication in the KCDB each CMC should pass through the intraregional (intraRMO) and interregional (interRMO) review. The  interRMO review is conducted by RMO TC Chairs through the restricted access JCRB web portal. Both intra- and interRMO review procedures for COOMET are described in the COOMET R/GM/7:2021 Recommendation.


The main document regualting CMCs in the context of the CIPM MRA is CIPM-MRA-G-13 Calibration and measurement capabilities in the context of the CIPM MRA: Guidelines for their review, acceptance and maintenance. For each measuement field CMCs are classified into Services or Service Categories:


Classification of services in the various fields in English (from the BIPM website):

| AUV | EM | L | M | PR | QM | RI | T | TF


Classification of services in the various fields in Russian.


Calibration and Measurement Capabilities of the COOMET member countries (CMCs)

Submission and expertise of the CMCs via KCDB 2.0

This presentation was only prepared in Russian and can be found here.

Last Update: 08.04.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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