Chair of TС 1.10 "Thermometry and Thermal Physics"


Acting Chair

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev (VNIIM)


19 Moscovsky Prospect, 198005 SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA

Phone: +7 812 316 19 95

Email: s.v.kondratiev(at)

Executive Secretary


Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM)


Address: 93, Starovilensky trakt, 220053, MINSK, BELARUS

Phone: +375 17 348 68 20

Email: davidouskaya(at)

Coordinators in the fields

"Thermometry" –  Viktor Fuksov (VNIIM, Russia), email: fvm(at)

"Thermophysical quantities (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, thermal diffusivity etc.)"Sergey Kondratiev (ВНИИМ, Россия), email: s.v.kondratiev(at)

"Moisture metering" – Mikhail Vinge (East-Siberian branch of FSUE "VNIIFTRI", Russia),
email: vma(at)

Main tasks and functions of TC 1.10

The main task of TC 1.10 is organization and coordination of activities of national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries in the field of measuring thermophysical properties.

TC 1.10 organizes cooperation through:

  • coordination of cooperation of national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries in the field of thermometry and thermal physics within the competence of TC 1.10 and involvement of scientists and specialists from other national organizations of COOMET member countries in cooperation;
  • making proposals and development of concepts, work programs and tasks, identification of problems of cooperation in the field of thermometry and thermal physics;
  • organization and conduct of joint activities (including research) of interest to national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries;
  • development of a program and organization of comparisons of national standards in the field of thermometry and thermal physics among national metrology institutes (NMIs) and designated institutes (DIs) of COOMET member countries (first of all under program COOMET P2);
  • interaction with the relevant working bodies of international and regional organizations performing activities in similar fields;
  • ensuring of participation of COOMET NMIs/DIs in the implementation of international agreements and arrangements, primarily, the CIPM MRA;
  • coordination of activities of the working bodies, directly subordinate to TC 1.10;
  • preparation of COOMET publications and dealing with other issues falling within the competence of TC 1.10;
  • interaction with other COOMET structural bodies;
  • organization of TC 1.10 meetings;
  • summing up of the results of cooperation and preparation of reports on activities of COOMET in the field of measuring temperatures and other thermophysical quantities in line with the provisions defined in the COOMET Memorandum of Understanding (document COOMET D1) and CООМЕТ Rules of Procedure (document COOMET D2);
  • organization of information activities and presentation of the results of cooperation on the CООМЕТ web resources.


Regulation on TC 1.10 (document COOMET D5.10/2022)

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