TC 1.12 Reference Materials

One of the principal fields of cooperation within COOMET – production and use of certified reference materials for composition and properties of substances and materials – was included in the first version of COOMET Memorandum of Understanding during the period of its development in 1999.

Now the members of TC 1.12 “Reference Materials” are Contact Persons from 17 COOMET member-countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cuba, DPR of Korea, Georgia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

The main task of TC 1.12 is the organization, development of the activities, and cooperation of national metrological institutions, researchers and specialists from organizations of COOMET member countries in the assigned subject field "Reference materials". TC 1.12 is intended to serve as a forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the field of activities related to the development, creation, and application of reference materials.

Chair of TC 1.12 "Reference Materials"


All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev (VNIIM)

Address: 19 Moscovsky Prospect, 190005 SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA

Email: Sobina_egor(at)


Deputy Chair


Urals Scientific Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM-branch of VNIIM)


Address: 4 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 620000, EKATERINBURG, RUSSIA

Phone: +7 343 350 60 68 // Fax: +7 343 350 20 39

Email: uniim(at)

Executive Secretary


Urals Scientific Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM-branch of VNIIM)


Address: 4 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 620000, EKATERINBURG, RUSSIA

Phone: +7 343 350 21 79 // Fax: +7 343 350 20 39

Email: intermetron(at)

Main tasks and functions

The main task of TC 1.12 is the organization, development of the activities, and cooperation of national metrological institutions, researchers and specialists from organizations of COOMET member countries in the assigned subject field.


The main functions of TC 1.12 are:

  • coordination and methodological support of cooperation of national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries in the assigned subject field and involvement of researchers and experts from other national organizations of COOMET member countries in cooperation;
  • preparation of proposals and development of concepts, work programs and cooperation tasks for the subject field, identification and solution of cooperation problems;
  • development, update and harmonization of recommendations and other COOMET documents on reference materials;
  • organization and performance of work (including research) on the development, creation, and recognition (registration) of COOMET reference materials, organization of certified reference materials comparisons, and addressing of other issues within the competence of TC 1.12 and of interest to the national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries;
  • implementation of the CIPM MRA in the field of reference materials;
  • maintenance of the Register and the Data Bank of reference materials produced within COOMET;
  • analysis and summing up of the results of cooperation and preparation of reports on COOMET activities in the assigned subject field according to the procedure, established by the MoU and COOMET Rules of Procedure;
  • organization of information activities and presentation of the outcome of cooperation in the subject field "Reference Materials" on the official COOMET web resources.
  • organization of ТС 1.12 meetings to discuss concepts and work programs, and forms of cooperation; coordination of stakeholder actions and agreement on final documents according to the results of cooperation;
  • ensuring of interaction with other COOMET structural bodies;
  • interaction with the relevant international and regional organizations in the areas of cooperation in the assigned subject field, ensuring of participation in the implementation of international agreements and arrangements, related to the issues of reference materials.


Regulation on TC 1.12 (document COOMET D5.7/2022)

Last Update: 05.07.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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