Chair of TC 1.3 "Electricity and Magnetism"


Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM)


Address: 93, Starovilensky trakt, 220053, MINSK, BELARUS

Phone: +375 17 365 15 10

Email: yarmolovich(at)


Executive Secretary


Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM)


Address: 93, Starovilensky trakt, 220053, MINSK, BELARUS

Phone: +375 17 347 03 87

Email: vadim.popko(at)


Coordinators in the fields

"High voltage and large current"Viktor Kiselev (VNIIMS, Russia) email:


"Direct voltage, current and electric resistance"Aleksandr Katkov (VNIIM, Russia), email: a.s.katkov(at)


"Big currents"Andrey Akhmeev (UNIIM, Russia), email:


"Voltage and AC power" – Vladimir Shevtsov (VNIIM, Russia), e-mail: 


"Radio frequency measurements" Alexander Galygo (BelGIM, Belarus),
email: galygo(at)


"Electric and magnetic fields"Sergey Kolotygin (VNIIFTRI, Russia),
email: lab202(at)


"Electric power" Gleb Gubler (VNIIM, Russia), email:


"Impedance"  Alexandr Ploshinsky (VNIIM, Russia), email:

Major tasks

Major tasks of ТC 1.3 are:

  • coordination of cooperation of national metrology institutes (hereinafter referred to as NMIs), as well as state metrology institutions (hereinafter referred to as SMI) of COOMET member countries in the field of electrical and magnetic measurements;
  • involvement of scientists and specialists of NMIs, SMIs, as well as other national organizations of COOMET member countries in cooperation in the field of electrical and magnetic measurements;
  • making proposals and development of concepts, work programs and cooperation tasks, identification of problems of cooperation in the field of electrical and magnetic measurements;
  • organization and conduct of joint research and development activities, comparisons of standards in the field of electrical and magnetic measurements;
  • interaction with the relevant working bodies of international and regional metrology organizations (hereinafter referred to as RMOs) on the issues of cooperation, participation in the implementation of international arrangements and agreements, first of all, Arrangement on mutual recognition of standards (CIPM MRA) and other arrangements;
  • participation in drawing up of CООМЕТ documents and recommendations;
  • interaction with other COOMET structural bodies;
  • organization of ТC 1.3 meetings and agreeing on the results of cooperation;
  • organization and conduct of intraregional and interregional reviews of СМСs;
  • summing up of the results of cooperation and preparation of reports on activities of ТC 1.3 in line with the provisions defined in the COOMET Memorandum of Understanding and CООМЕТ Rules of procedure
  • organization of information activities and presentation of the results of cooperation on the CООМЕТ web resources.


Regulation on TC 1.3 (document COOMET D5.15/2022)


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