Chair of TC 1.4 “Flow Measurement”


All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Flow Metering - branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprize "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev" (VNIIR-branch of VNIIM)


Address: 7a, 2 Azinskaya Str., 420088 KAZAN, RUSSIA

Phone: +7 843 272 12 02, +7 917 898 93 59

Email: tk1.4(at)

Executive Secretary


All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Flow Metering - branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprize "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev" (VNIIR-branch of VNIIM) (VNIIR-branch of VNIIM)


Address: 7a, 2nd Azinskaya Str., 420088 KAZAN, RUSSIA.

Phone: +7 843 272 70 53

Email: tk1.4(at)

Main tasks and functions

The main task of TC 1.4 is to organize the activities of the state metrological institutions of COOMET member countries in the field of gas and liquid flow measurements and to attract scientists and specialists from other national organizations of COOMET member countries to cooperation.


The organization of cooperation is carried out by:

  • formulation of proposals and development of concepts for work programs and cooperation tasks in the subject area, identification of cooperation problems;
  • organization and conduct of cooperative research and development;
  • development of the program and organization of comparisons of national flow standards between NMIs/NIs of COOMET member countries, including key comparisons;
  • cooperation procedures with relevant international and regional organizations on the tasks and problems of cooperation in the field of gas and liquid flow, ensuring of participation in the implementation of international treaties and agreements related to the issue of gas and liquid flow;
  • study of international normative documents issued by international organizations in the field of legal metrology, in order to harmonize approaches to the theory of measurement, errors in the transmission of units of physical quantities, terminology;
  • ensuring of interaction with other structural bodies of COOMET;
  • implementation of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement CIPM MRA.


The tasks of TC 1.4 also include:

  • summarizing of the results of cooperation and preparation of reports on the activities of COOMET in the assigned field of cooperation in accordance with the procedure defined in the COOMET Memorandum of Understanding and COOMET Rules of procedure;
  • submission of the Annual Report on the activities of the Technical Committee to the COOMET Secretariat;
  • timely informing of the members of the Technical Committee about the forthcoming meetings, as well as providing the COOMET Secretariat with information on the planned and ongoing activities within the Technical Committee;
  • organization of information activities and presentation of the results of cooperation in the areas of activity of the Technical Committee on the COOMET web resources, as well as timely updating of information on the pages of structural bodies on the portal

Regulation on ТC 1.4 (document COOMET D5.3/2021)

Last Update: 08.04.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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