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Chair of TC 1.7 "Photometry and Radiometry"
Alexandr Dunaev
Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements" (VNIIOFI)
Address: 46 Ozernaya Str., 119361 Moscow, Russia
Chairs of SCs
SC 1.7.1 "Optical Properties of Materials" - Gennadiy Vishnyakov (VNIIOFI, Russia),
email: vish(at)
SC 1.7.2 "Fiber Optics" - Аleksey Mityurev (VNIIOFI, Russia), email: mak(at)
Main tasks
The main tasks of TC 1.7 are organization and coordination of the activities and cooperation among national metrology institutes/designated institutes (hereinafter referred to as NMIs/DIs) and other state metrological institutions (hereinafter referred to as SMIs) of COOMET member countries in the field of metrology in photometry and radiometry, as well as:
- to encourage cooperation among scientists and specialists of NMIs/DIs, NMBs, and other national organizations of COOMET member countries active in the field of metrology in photometry and radiometry;
- to put forward proposals and concepts of development, to suggest work programs and tasks of cooperation, to identify problems of cooperation in the field of responsibility of TC 1.7, i.e. in the field of metrology in photometry and radiometry;
- to organize and conduct joint research and development;
- to implement COOMET projects;
- to develop programs and organize comparisons of national measurement standards in the field of photometry, radiometry, optical proprieties of materials, fibre optics among NMIs of COOMET member countries, and other comparisons in the field of metrology in photometry and radiometry, including those carried out within COOMET projects;
- to organize inter-regional review and submission of COOMET data on calibration and measurement capabilities of NMIs of COOMET member countries for inclusion in the BIPM database (KCDB);
- to organize inter-regional review, by technical experts of TC 1.7, of the declared calibration and measurement capabilities of NMIs of other regional metrological organizations submitted for inclusion in the database of the BIPM (KCDB);
- to establish cooperation with the relevant working bodies of international and regional metrology organizations to resolve cooperation issues and to provide their participation in the realization of international treaties and agreements, especially the CIPM MRA, along with other agreements;
- to study international normative documents issued by international organizations in the field of legal metrology and standardization in order to unify the use of terms and definitions in the field of metrology in photometry and radiometry;
- to organize and conduct regular meetings of TC 1.7, ad-hoc meetings and/or seminars on topical issues within the framework of TC 1.7 activities;
- to ensure interaction with other COOMET structural bodies;
- to summarize results of TC 1.7 and Working Groups activities and to prepare the corresponding annual report on the total of TC 1.7 activities in accordance with the COOMET Rules of Procedure;
- to submit the annual report on TC 1.7 activities to the COOMET Secretariat;
- to timely inform the Technical Committee members about future meetings and to submit the information about the planned and conducted work of TC 1.7 to the COOMET Secretariat
- to update the COOMET web-pages on the results of cooperation and activities within TC 1.7.
Regulation on TC 1.7 (document COOMET D5.5/2022)