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Chair of TC 1.9 "Ionizing Radiation and Radioactivity"
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev (VNIIM)
Address: 19 Moskovsky pr., 190005, SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA
Phone: +7 812 323 96 14 // Fax: +7 812 323 96 14
Email: N.N.Moiseev(at)
Executive Secretary
Coordinators in the fields
Uzbek National Institute of Metrology (UzNIM)
Address: 333 A, 333 B, Farobiy street, Almazar district, 100174 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
"Radioactivity measurements"
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev (VNIIM)
Address: 19 Moscovsky Prospect, 198005 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Email: i.v.alekseev(at)
"Neutron measurements"
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev (VNIIM)
Address: 19 Moscovsky Prospect, 198005 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 812 323-96-14 // Fax: +7 812 323-96-14
Email: n.n.moiseev(at)
Main tasks and functions of TC 1.9
The main task of TC 1.9 is to organize and coordinate the activities of national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries in the field of measuring of ionizing radiation parameters and radioactivity.
TC 1.9 realizes organization of collaboration by means of the following:
- coordination of cooperation of national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries in the field of ionizing radiation and radioactivity within the competence of TC 1.9 and involvement of scientists and specialists from other national organizations of COOMET member countries in cooperation;
- formulation of proposals and development of work programs in the area of ionizing radiation and radioactivity;
- organization and carrying out of joint projects which are of interest to national metrology institutions of COOMET member countries, organization and carrying out of comparisons of national measurement standards of COOMET member countries, development of COOMET recommendations and solving of other issues within the competence of TC 1.9;
- establishment of interaction with the working bodies of international and regional organizations with a similar focus, ensuring of participation of laboratories of COOMET member countries in the implementation of international treaties and agreements, first of all, Mutual Recognition Arrangement CIPM MRA;
- ensuring of interaction with other structural bodies of COOMET;
- organization of TC 1.9 meetings.
Moreover, the tasks of TC 1.9 include:
- generalization of the results of cooperation and preparation of reports on COOMET activities in the field of ionizing radiation and radioactivity measurements in accordance with the procedure determined in the COOMET Memorandum of Understanding and COOMET Rules of Procedure;
- organization of information activities and presentation of the results of cooperation on the COOMET web resources
Regulation on TC 1.9 (document COOMET D5.14/2021)