This section contains annotations of SIM documents as of  22.11.2022.

SIM documents

Document                             Annotation Text of the document

SIM Guidelines on the Calibration of Hydrometers – Cuckow Method, 2016

Technical Guide applies for calibration of hydrometers of constant mass, using the method of Cuckow (hydrostatic weighing) in the measuring range of 600 kg/m3 to 2000 kg/m3, at a temperature value defined by the instrument or at the user requirement, and with expanded uncertainty of calibration (k=2) associated to the scale correction of the instrument up to 0.033 kg/m3.

Technical guide establishes minimum requirements for the calibration of hydrometers, to ensure uniformity in the estimation of calibration uncertainty and evaluation of the traceability of the measurement standards of laboratories in the calibration.
link to the SIM webpage

SIM Guidelines on the Calibration of oscillation – Type Density Meters, 2016

This guide applies to the calibration of oscillation-type density meters (using a U-shaped glass tube which has a constant volume at a given temperature) manufactured with an indication interval up to 3000 kg m-3. The expanded uncertainty of calibration (k= 2) can be up to 0.02 kg m-3, depending on the characteristics of the instrument. The scope of calibration can vary depending on the availability of reference materials.

This technical guide sets out the minimum requirements for calibration of oscillation-type density meters by the method of comparison against measurement standards, so as to ensure uniformity in the estimation of uncertainty of calibration and evaluation of the traceability of the measurement standards in the calibration laboratories.

SIM Guidelines on the Calibration of non-Automatic Weighing Instruments, 2009

Document contains guidance for the static calibration of self-indicating, nonautomatic weighing instruments, in particular for

1. measurements to be performed,

2. calculation of measuring results,

3. determination of the uncertainty of measurements,

4. contents of calibration certificates.

The object of the calibration is the indication provided by the instrument in response to an applied load. The results are expressed in units of mass. The value of the load indicated by the instrument will be affected by local gravity, the load’s temperature and density, and the temperature and density of the surrounding air.

Measurement Uncertainty, Possolo & Meija, 2020

Introduction to the evaluation and expression of measurement uncertainty with examples. The predominant approach to measurement uncertainty involves probabilistic concepts and requires application of statistical methods. Explanation of the used models, and the calculations necessary to apply them, in detail, with computer codes provided to perform them. Two appendices in the document, one on probability, and the other on statistics, may help understand concepts and methods. The application of a wide range of statistical models and methods is illustrated, some from the classical school, others of a Bayesian one.
Last Update: 08.04.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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