Area: 143,100 km2
Population: 10 million
Capital: Dushanbe
Information updated as of 30.04.2023.
Law of Republic of Tajikistan “About maintenance of unity of measurements”.
Legal basis of maintenance of unity of measurements and the state metrological system is Constitution of Republic of Tajikistan, Law of Republic of Tajikistan "About maintenance of unity of measurements" No. 435 from May, 15th, 1997 (changes and additions No. 321 from July, 30th, 2007, No. 467 from December, 31st, 2008) and also other regulatory legal acts of Republic of Tajikistan.
The metrological service of Republic of Tajikistan consists of the State metrological service and metrological services of legal bodies.
The state metrological service is headed by Agency Tajikstandard and includes bodies of the State metrological service in Gorno-Badahshansky autonomous region, republic areas, areas of republican submission and a city of Dushanbe.
The structure of the State metrological service includes 14 regional centers of Tajikstandard.