01.09.2023: training course "Evaluation of results of measurement standard comparisons. Rules, approaches and experience of COOMET" was posted in the COOMET sector of the BIPM e-learning platform in Russian

Dear colleagues,


We would like to inform you that a new COOMET course "Evaluation of results of measurement standard comparisons. Rules, approaches and experience of COOMET" (in Russian) is available in the COOMET sector of the BIPM e-learning platform (https://e-learning.bipm.org/ ) starting from 01.09.2023. The course is geared towards effective participation of NMIs of COOMET member countries in the CIPM MRA.


The course is available at https://e-learning.bipm.org/local/explore/index.php?field=provider&value=COOMET  (pre-authorization on the platform is required).


We will be glad to see you among the visitors of the COOMET sector on the BIPM e-learning platform!


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