04.04.2024: KCDB 2.0 - Online technical exchanges for CMC Writers and Reviewers

KCDB 2.0 - Online technical exchanges for CMC Writers and Reviewers is planned on April 4th by BIPM. Two sessions will be held on 4th April 2024 (Thursday) at 07:00 UTC and repeated at 14:00 UTC. CMC Writers who create/submit CMCs in all metrology areas are welcome, as well as those who act as Reviewers. 

Programme highlights:

•Introduction to KCDB 2.0

•CMC Writer user account

•Creation of new CMCs

•Update existing CMCs

•CIPM MRA requirements

In order to run the session effectively, participants are required to read KCDB guidelines and watch short video clips before the session. The KCDB resources can be found through the link: https://www.bipm.org/en/cipm-mra/kcdb-help.


MORNING session: starts at 07:00 UTC
Duration: 2 hours
ZOOM registration link: https://bipm-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pgf7yKeMTCuGmfytx3mWQA

AFTERNOON session: starts at 14:00 UTC
Duration: 2 hours
ZOOM registration link: https://bipm-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cf-VneExRTakkmOdi9qyfg

Last Update: 08.04.2024 | Disclaimer & Copyright | Print-Version
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