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11.02.2022: Meeting on the development of cooperation with CEEMS
On 11 February 2022 an online working COOMET meeting chaired by the COOMET Vice-President Zhanat Bedaydarov (Kazakhstan) took place for discussion of possible ways to support countries with emerging metrology systems (CEEMS). COOMET President V.Hurevich, Vice-President E.Lazarenko, Head of Secretariat N.Liakhova, as well as delegations of COOMET member countries classified as CEEMS (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) took part in the meeting.
In June 2021 the following COOMET criteria for CEEMS were approved:
- lack of the status of the "Member of the Metre Convention" or "CGPM Associate" of the country;
- lack of published CMC entries;
- non-participation in key or supplementary comparisons, registered in the KCDB.
During the meeting the following issues were discussed: technical assistance, training and information support for CEEMS, cooperation under external projects, as well as proposals on enhancing the participation of CEEMS in the work of the COOMET structural bodies and on the organization of further COOMET cooperation activities with CEEMS in general.
During the first six months of 2022 a survey is planned to identify the needs of CEEMS, as well as a survey among other COOMET member countries on the possibilities of providing assistance and seeking possible external sources of funding for working programs and projects for CEEMS countries.
During the second six month of 2022 preparation of a COOMET Work Program on the issues of CEEMS is planned with an indication of specific actions and timeframes for their implementation.