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National Body for Standardization and Metrology
“National Body for Standardization and Metrology” CJSC, designated by the Government of the Republic of Armenia as a National Body of Metrology, implements the state policy in the field of metrology within its competence
Acting Director: Albert Babayan
Аddress: 49/4 Komitas аve., 0051 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Telephone: +374 10 23 26 00
Email: info(at)
Main areas of activity in metrology:
- creation, maintenance, improvement of national standards of units;
- ensuring of comparability of national standards with the standards of the national institutes of metrology of other countries;
- membership of international and regional organizations within its competence;
- definition of reference material certification procedure and implementation of reference material certification;
- examination of the metrological characteristics of the measuring instruments in operation;
- implementation of calibration work to ensure traceability;
- implementation of metrological certification of measurement methods in the field of legal metrology;
- type-approval of measuring instruments, definition of validity of type-approval certificate of measuring instrument;
- maintenance of the register of approved measuring instruments and reference materials;
- participation in accreditation activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out calibration of measuring instruments;
- carrying out of verification of measuring instruments;
- organization and implementation of training, specialization, retraining of personnel in the area of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, as well as training of verification specialists in the field of legal metrology, retraining of personnel of verification and and testing laboratories in the above-mentioned field, training of accreditation experts and provision of the relevant certificates;
- implementation of the metrological expertise of technical regulations, adopted according to international treaties and ratified by the Republic of Armenia in accordance with the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
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