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WELMEC 5.2 (2015)

Market Surveillance Guide (NAWI and MID)

This guide is meant to be used by Market Surveillance Authorities dealing with measuring instruments, both under the NAWI Directive (2014/31/EU) and MID (2014/32/EU).

General recommendations are provided that can be used to develop strategies and programs for market surveillance. It describes how market surveillance can be carried out and what tools can be used.

Particular attention is paid to market surveillance planning and market surveillance follow-up. It also provides guidance on importing from third countries and working with customs.

link to the WELMEC webpage

WELMEC 5.3 Issue 1 (2011)

Risk Assessment Guide for Market Surveillance: Weigh and Measuring Instruments

The focus of this document is on the risk assessment of weighing and measuring instruments in the context of market surveillance.

The rationale behind this document is the need for more selective market surveillance, as a result of the increasingly limited resources of the WELMEC Member States. Another reason for such a document is the requirement in Art.19, 1 of REGULATION (EC) No 765/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93.

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