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Legal Metrology in Armenia
(in view of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" of 08.12.2012 №ՀՕ-22-Ն)
Summary information in PDF format is available here.
Information updated as of 18.01.2021.
Organizational structure in LM
1. Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia (authorized body) is a public administration body, responsible for maintaining the common state policy on the matters of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, as well as coordination of activities, related to the creation and operation of the System of Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements of the Republic of Armenia, and also responsible for:
• ensuring the establishment and operation of the state infrastructure of metrology service;
• making proposals to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Armenia on:
- allowance for application of the quantity units in the Republic of Armenia;
- identification of a legal entity (LE) to act as the national metrology body and a body for standardization;
- establishment of the procedure for LEs to obtain the right to perform verification (RP AR N 694-n 21.04.2016);
- decision on granting the right to perform verification to LEs and sole proprietors (SPs);
- establishment of the procedure for accreditation of LEs and SPs, performing verification;
- determination of requirements for the recognition of a measuring instrument as the national measurement standard (RP AR N 623-n of 13.06.2013);
- performance of state metrological supervision in accordance with the legislation on control (supervisory) activities;
• representation of the Republic of Armenia in international organizations on metrology as the authorized body on metrology etc. within the scope of its powers etc.
2. Ministry of economy organizes the creation and maintenance of the State Information Fund for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
3. By the decision of the Government of the RA of 20.08.2020 No. 1387 – Ն “National Body for Standardization and Metrology (NBSM)” is appointed as the national body for metrology, responsible for:
• conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research in metrology;
• preparation, upgrade, approval of national standards (NSs) - under state programs and innovative projects;
• examination of measurement standards of quantity units and submission of measurement standards for approval as NSs based on the results of examination;
• maintenance of NSs, organization of comparisons of NSs with international measurement standards of quantity units or with NSs of foreign states, ensuring the verification and (or) calibration of NSs;
• carrying out of activities for the recognition of NSs by foreign states;
• preparation and issue of recommendations in the field of metrology;
• coordination and scientific and methodological support of comparisons of measurement results;
• creation and maintenance of the State Information Fund for ensuring the uniformity of measurements, cooperation with the media on the issues of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
• operation of the Centers of standardization, metrology and certification (CSMC), located in 3 regions of the Republic and authorized by it to carry out works on metrological control;
• participation in the work of international and regional organizations on metrology within the scope of the powers, specified by the Ministry of Economy;
• calibration of MIs to ensure the traceability of measurements in LM;
• metrological control.
The national body for metrology has a system for training and retraining of experts in the field of metrology.
The units of the International System of Units (SI) are applied in the Republic of Armenia.
Generally accepted special units can be used, applied for:
- international trade;
- air and marine navigation;
- healthcare;
- for military and security purposes.
Law on metrology
Law of the Republic of Armenia of February 8, 2012 No. ZA 22 n “Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurement”.
List of MIs within the field of Legal Metrology or scope of state regulation
1. Legal Metrology requirements apply to measurements, the results of which are used:
- in trade transactions between a buyer and a seller, in payments between a manufacturer and a seller;
- in healthcare;
- in environment protection, occupational safety and accidents prevention;
- in traffic regulation and assessment of technical condition of vehicles;
- in carrying out measurements on the instructions of public administration bodies, arbitral tribunal, prosecutor’s office, judicial authorities;
- in the assigned bodies for conformity assessment;
- in the military field.
2. The list of measuring instruments, subject to legal metrological control, is established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (RP AR N 113-n 11.02.2016).
Type approval
1. Legal and technical requirements for type approval
1.1 Requirements for type approval (TA) are set in a normative act by the authorized body.
1.2 MIs, intended to be used in measurements in the field of LM and given in the List of MIs, intended to be used in measurements in the field of LM, shall be subject to type approval of MIs.
1.3 Type approval of MIs shall be carried out based on positive results of tests or metrological examination for type approval or MIs.
2. Bodies, responsible for type approval
The national body for metrology makes decisions (resolutions) on type approval of MIs and issue of certificates of type approval of MIs.
3. Bodies, responsible for testing for type approval and assessment of conformity with the type
Testing for type approval of MIs and assessment of conformity shall be performed by the national body for metrology.
4. Recognition of OIML certificates
Armenia is not a member of OIML. Currently Armenia does not take part in the OIML Certification System.
1. Legal and technical requirements for initial and periodic verification Requirements for verification arrangements are set in a normative act of the authorized body (Ministerial order “Procedure for measuring instruments verification”).
1.1 In type approval of MIs the compliance of the time interval between state verifications shall be determined, and the procedure for verification of MIs of the type being approved shall be adopted.
1.2 Verification shall be carried out before the sale of MIs, as well as during their operation.
1.3 The results of the verification shall be certified by a certificate of verification and (or) by applying a verification mark to the MI, or if this is not practicable, to its operating documentation.
2. Bodies for verification
State verification shall be performed by the authorized body for metrology. Verification can also be performed by LEs, authorized for performing state verification by the decision of the Government of the RA (except for measuring instruments of social and life-critical importance). The list is established by the decision of the Government RP AR No. 60-n 29.01.2016.
3. RVIs for 19 categories of MIs
3.1 Valid reverification intervals are set for a particular approved type of MIs and are given in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Republic of Armenia (
3.2 In the Republic of Armenia the following RVIs (in years) are currently valid for the following 19 categories of MIs:
1. induction based Ferraris electricity meters | 8 |
2. electronic electricity meters | 8 |
3. diaphragm gas meters for households | 5 |
4. gas meters for production purposes | 2 |
5. mechanical water meters for households | 6 |
6. heat meters | 5 |
7. weights | 1 |
8. weighing instruments | 1 |
9. truck scales | 1 |
10. thermometers | 1 |
11. fuel dispensers of compressed and liquefied gas | 1 |
12. medical measuring instruments | 1 |
13. mechanical devices for length measurement | 1 |
14. metal storage-jar | 1 |
15. fuel dispensers | 1 |
16. large capacity serving measures | 2 or 5 |
17. speed measuring instruments, radars | 1 |
18. taximeters | 1 |
19. breath alcolhol analyzers | 1 |
4. Other national requirements for verification
MIs in the field of LM are subject to registration upon their state verification in accordance with the rules of metrological test.
Metrological supervision
1. State metrological supervision is aimed at detection and prevention of violations of metrological regulations and norms, established by law and other legal acts, regulating the area of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
2. Metrological supervision applies to the spheres of legal metrology, established by law.
3. The tasks of metrological supervision are:
1) application of measuring instruments of the approved type;
2) availability of certified measurement techniques;
3) compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
4. Metrological supervision is conducted by the authorized body for metrology by means of the corresponding inspection (hereinafter referred to as inspection), acting as a part of it.
5. A state inspector:
1) prohibits, by order, sale of a batch of measuring instruments, not conforming to metrological regulations and norms;
2) invites a representative of the National body for metrology to check the conformity of the verified or certified measuring instrument with the metrological regulations and norms;
3) performs other duties, provided for in the laws of the Republic of Armenia.
6. In case of non-performance or improper performance of his/her duties, exceeding of his/her authorities, disclosure of state and (or) professional secrets:
1) a state inspector is liable under the laws of the Republic of Armenia;
2) the damage to economic entities due to the illegal actions of the state inspector shall be paid in accordance with the legally established procedure;
3) actions of the state inspector can be appealed to the authorized body or court.
7. An appeal against the orders, issued by the state inspector, shall not suspend their execution.
8. Orders in case of violation of metrological regulations and norms, issued by a state inspector within his/her competence, based on the certificate of inspection, conducted in accordance with the procedure, established by law, are aimed at:
1) prohibition of sale of measuring instruments of an unapproved type or not conforming to the approved type or to metrological regulations and norms, until the violations are eliminated;
2) prohibition of use of measuring instruments, if they were not subjected to verification or metrological certification, or their type was not approved or they do not conform to the approved types;
3) prohibition of sale of a batch of measuring instruments, not conforming to metrological regulations and norms.
9. An economic entity is obliged to notify the inspection of the execution of the order within the prescribed period. Non-execution or improper execution of the order or failure to notify the inspection in writing within the prescribed period is regarded as non-execution of the order, which entails liability in accordance with the procedure, established by the law.
Legal metrology practitioners
Verification in legal metrology shall be performed by state verification officers, who underwent the obligatory confirmation of conformity for the staff's competence.
Liability for the violation of the Law of the RA “Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” shall be established in accordance with the procedure, provided for in the laws of the Republic of Armenia.