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Legal Metrology in Uzbekistan
(in view of the revised Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On metrology” of April 7, 2020 № LRU-614, effective as of October 8, 2020)
Summary information in PDF format is available here.
Information updated as of 01.06.2020.
Organizational structure in LM
The state administration in the field of metrological activity is carried out by the national metrology body - the Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (hereinafter — the specially authorized state body).
The metrological service of the Republic of Uzbekistan consists of the state metrological service, metrological services of state and economic management bodies, as well as metrological services of legal entities that are not state and economic management bodies.
The state metrological service consists of the specially authorized state body and its units in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, as well as the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology.
Metrological services of state and economic management bodies consist of specially created and accredited units under state and economic management bodies.
Metrological services of legal entities consist of specially created and accredited legal entities that are not bodies of state and economic management, and (or) units attached to them (hereinafter — metrological services of legal entities).
Metrological services of state and economic management bodies and metrological services of legal entities are created in cases of need to carry out work to ensure the uniformity of measurements and the implementation of metrological control.
The rights and obligations of the metrological services of state and economic management bodies and the metrological services of legal entities are established by the provisions agreed upon with the bodies of the state metrological service.
The name and designation of units of quantities of the International System of Units (SI) used in the Republic of Uzbekistan, units of quantities allowed for use in the Republic of Uzbekistan that are not included in the International System of Units (SI), their name and designation, as well as the rules for writing and using units of quantities are established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 10, 2018 No. 21. (the text is in Russian)
Law on metrology
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On metrology” of April 7, 2020 № LRU-614
List of MIs within the field of Legal Metrology or scope of state regulation
State metrological control and supervision are applied to measurements performed in the areas of:
- healthcare, veterinary medicine, environmental protection;
- accounting for material assets and fuel and energy resources;
- tax, customs, commercial, postal and telecommunications;
- storage, transportation and destruction of toxic, flammable, explosive and radioactive substances;
- production, sale of catering products and the provision of services in this area;
- protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, and the safety of people at water bodies;
- ensuring industrial safety;
- state defense;
- ensuring labor safety and traffic safety;
- determination of safety and quality of certified products;
- implementation of geodetic, cartographic and hydrometeorological works;
- conducting state tests, verification, calibration, repair and metrological certification of measuring instruments;
- mining operations;
- conducting official sports competitions;
- implementation of work on conformity assessment of products and services.
In accordance with the law, state metrological control and supervision can be applied in other areas of activity.
Type approval
1. Legal and technical requirements for type approval
The approval of the type of measuring instruments includes the performance of work, during which, on the basis of state tests of measuring instruments, their metrological and technical characteristics are established, the conformity of the measuring instruments to the requirements of the legislation on metrology is determined and a decision is made to approve the type of measuring instruments.
Metrological certification of measuring instruments is carried out by the state metrological service in order to recognize the admissibility of the use of measuring instruments of a single production (or imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan in single copies) based on studies of their properties.
The measuring instruments used in the scope of state metrological control and supervision, subject to production and import, must be subjected to state tests and type approval or metrological certification.
The manufacturer must affix the State Register mark on the approved measuring instruments or in their operational documentation.
The rules for conducting state tests and metrological certification of measuring instruments are established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to improve the procedure for the provision of metrological services in the Republic of Uzbekistan")
2. Bodies, responsible for type approval
Type approval and entering into the State Register of measuring instruments are carried out by the specially authorized state body.
3. Bodies, responsible for testing for type approval
State tests are carried out by the specially authorized state body.
4. Recognition of OIML certificates
Uzbekistan is an OIML Corresponding Member. Currently Uzbekistan does not take part in the OIML Certification System.
1. Legal and technical requirements for initial and periodic verification
The rules for the verification of measuring instruments are established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (draft Resolution “On additional measures to improve the procedure for the provision of metrological services in the Republic of Uzbekistan”)
2. Bodies for verification
Verification of measuring instruments is carried out by an accredited state metrological service and accredited metrological services of state and economic management bodies.
3. RVIs for 20 categories of MIs
The list of groups of measuring instruments subject to verification and RVIs are established by the Order of the Director General of the Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification "On approval of the list of groups of measuring instruments subject to metrological verification" (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 30, 2019 registration No. 3174) (the text is in Uzbek)
In Uzbekistan the following RVIs (years) are currently valid for the following 20 categories of MIs:
1. induction based Ferraris electricity meters | - |
- single phase meters | - |
- three phase meters | - |
2. electronic electricity meters | - |
- single phase meters | 4 or 8 |
- three phase meters | 4 or 8 |
3. diaphragm gas meters for households | 4 or 8 |
4. mechanical water meters for households | 4 or 8 |
5. heat meters | 1 |
6. weights | 1 or 2 or 3 |
7. non-automatic weighing instruments | 1 |
8. automatic weighing instruments | 1 |
9. truck scales | 1 |
10. thermometers filled with liquid | 1 |
11. clinical thermometers | 1 |
12. thermometers in pipes and storage tanks | 1 |
13. mechanical length measuring instruments | 1 |
14. capacity serving measures | unlimited (initial verification when releasing from production) |
15. metal storage-jar | 1 |
16. fuel dispensers | 0.5 |
17. speed measuring instruments (e.g. speed radars) | 1 |
18. taximeters | 1 |
19. breath alcolhol analyzers | 1 |
20. grain moisture meters | 1 |
4. Other national requirements for verification
Conformity assessment for MIs
1. Brief description of the system
2. Bodies for assessment of conformity with the type
In Uzbekistan the assessment of conformity does not currently apply to measuring instruments.
1. Legal requirements for controlling prepackages
State metrological supervision of the number of packaged goods in packages during their packaging and sale is carried out by authorized bodies of the state metrological service.
State metrological supervision of the number of packaged goods in packages is carried out in cases where the contents of the package cannot be changed without opening or deformation, and the weight, volume, length, area or other quantities indicating the amount of goods contained in the package are indicated on the package.
State metrological supervision of the number of packaged goods in packages also extends to measuring vessels used as consumer packaging for liquid packaged goods.
State metrological supervision of the number of packaged goods in packages can be carried out by means of a control purchase.
2. Documents, setting requirements for prepackages
State standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan O‘z DSt 8.086:2020 "Packaged goods in packages. General requirements for metrological supervision over the number of prepackaged goods in packages"
3. Bodies, involved in control of prepackages
Department for ensuring compliance with legal requirements in the field of technical regulation, standardization, certification and metrology
4. Other national requirements for prepackages
Metrological supervision
State metrological supervision is carried out for compliance with metrological requirements of regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation, as well as other legislative acts.
State metrological supervision is carried out for:
- production, repair, rental, sale, condition and use of measuring instruments (including measurement standards, reference materials, information-measuring systems);
- application of measurement techniques;
- compliance with established metrological norms and rules, as well as the activities of accredited metrological services, centers and laboratories;
- the number of prepackages in packages during their packaging and sale.
The rights, duties and responsibilities of persons performing state metrological supervision are established by law.
Legal metrology practitioners
Verification in legal metrology shall be performed by state verification officers, who underwent the obligatory confirmation of conformity for the staff's competence, which is confirmed by accreditation of metrological services.
Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on administrative responsibility
Article 213. Violation of the rules of metrology
Violation of the rules of metrology entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from one second to one, and on officials - from one to three basic calculated values.
The same offense committed repeatedly within a year after the application of an administrative penalty - entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from one to three, and on officials - from three to five basic calculated values. (the text is in Russian)