TC 4 meeting in 2019

16th meeting of TC4 "Information and Training" was held on 2-3 October 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The meeting was attended by Chairpersons of TC 4 subcommittees, TC 4 members and their representatives from 8 COOMET member countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine), as well as Ch. Kuanbayev, a Officer of International Liaison and Communication Department of International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), and T. Tasic, Capacity Building Officer of the Secretariat of the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET).

16 issues of the agenda have been considered at the meeting, including:

• main results of the activity of COOMET TC 4 in 2018-2019;

• realization of the Program of works of COOMET TC 4 for 2018-2020;

• implementation of COOMET projects within TC 4;

• activity of subcommittees of TC 4;

• activity within BIPM Program on capacity building and knowledge transfer (CB&KT);

• cooperation with EURAMET;

• results of VIII International competition "Best Young Metrologist of CООМЕТ - 2019";

• draft of the Program of works of COOMET 2020-2023 in the field of information and training.

During the meeting there was presented information on the results of the activities of TC 4 in 2018-2019 and activities carried out within the framework of TC 4. Detailed information was provided on the implementation of decisions of the 15th meeting of TC 4, as well as on decisions taken during the 23rd meeting of the COOMET Presidential Council and the 29th meeting of the COOMET Committee.

Information was also provided on the status of implementation of the TC 4 Program of works for 2018-2020. Members of TC 4 approved the activities of the technical committee in the reporting period and proposed updating the Program of works in connection with the implementation of some projects and the opening of new ones.

The coordinators of projects within TC 4 presented the results of works on projects in the reporting period. The participants of the meeting proposed several new projects for training events.

In the framework of the issue on the results of the activities of TC 4 subcommittees, during the reporting period, the fields of activity of SC 4.1 and SC 4.3 were specified.

Ch. Kuanbayev, a Officer of International Liaison and Communication Department of BIPM, presented information about the BIPM program on capacity building and knowledge transfer (CB&KT) and the participation of COOMET representatives in this program.

T. Tasic, EURAMET Secretariat Capacity Building Officer, provided information on EURAMET's capacity building and knowledge transfer activities.


Minutes of the meeting


Working Documents



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